Dear Family,
Whether it is "One Day
More" from Les Miserables, or "One More Day" by Diamond Rio, or
any other similar song, I have one day left in the MTC. Less than actually.
From this very moment, I have 21 Hours and 16 minutes until my bus leaves from
here. I AM SO EXCITED!!!! The rest of our district left to Costa Rica last
night, and it wasn't a sad goodbye. We are all awesome friends, but we know
that we are each going to our specific fields of labor and that the Lord is
preparing people for us. In In-Field Orientation, they made a specific point.
They said that the Lord has specific people waiting for me in EACH specific
Area of my mission. I took it a step further. I say that the Lord is preparing
people for me and will continue to do so as long as I work with all my heart,
might, mind, and strength. I will keep finding prepared people if I work hard
enough and have faith in the Lord. Success is a gift from Him, and He will
Congrats Mitch on your mission papers!! Now the waiting game begins..... My In-state guess is Anchorage Alaska. My out-of-state is Mexico City. I am going to be right. I could use $100 easily. Mitch you are gonna be fantastic. Just put your trust solely in the Lord and you cannot fail.
Mom, thank you for the package. I did receive it. Hopefully the banana bread does not get destroyed or I will just have to eat it. (I sent Mike banana bread along with a dishtowel to give his mission president’s wife…not the banana bread…gross! We resent a reply quickly to tell him to EAT the banana bread!) My district also loved the muffins, even though I ate like half of them. Thank you and love you.
K so I am gonna talk about Sunday first. So first off, in each branch, each missionary is required to write a 5 minute talk in their mission language, and then whoever is conducting calls randomly on two missionaries to speak during the meeting. I thought I was so sneaky by not having to speak so far... but then yesterday, the Lord gave me the opportunity to test my Spanish... I was actually really impressed with myself! I wrote down thoughts on a paper previously, but then during the talk I could actually elaborate in Spanish! That was awesome. Everyone in the world speaks as slowly and as simply as me right? That's what I thought. Oh well. Just put my trust in the Lord and He will make up the difference.
K so later on Sunday, I was blessed to have the opportunity to sing in the Sunday Fireside in front of all 2,000 mas o menos missionaries!!!! It was AWESOME!!!! I sang "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief," the Michael Hicks arrangement. He is the man. I love that whole entire book, Dad. The performance went really well. I wasn't nervous at all. I felt a little nervous before, but during I was just fine, and after for some reason I felt nervous again or maybe it was adrenaline. Oh well. It went great! During the closing song of the Fireside, the mission president's wife, Sister Brown, gave me a wink and that is how I will gauge my success. Also because several people came up to me and told me I made them cry. Hopefully they were crying for the right reasons, but I was so blessed to have that opportunity to bring the Spirit into that meeting of thousands of my fellow missionaries!!!
Ok looks like we are goin backwards. On Friday we had In-Field Orientation. It focused on a couple points, namely The Doctrine of Christ, Finding, Goals and Planning, Exercising your Faith, and Working With Members. I loved the Faith section. During my time here, I have been working on developing more faith and relying on the Lord. Alone, I can do nothing. But if I don't rely on my own capabilities and put my trust completely in the Lord, I can accomplish His mighty purposes. Faith is the X-Factor. It precedes Miracles. If we are faced with a bad situation, have faith like Ammon, and try to make the best of it. When the Lamanites started attacking the King's sheep, he didn't fear. He said that It was a great opportunity to show forth his power that God gave to him. We show our faith by trusting in God, and obeying His commandments. It is very simple. When we have faith, He blesses us. When we have more faith, he blesses us more! Es muy claro.
Tell Shawn Stringham (his Young Men’s president was just released yesterday…he was also his water polo coach) that I am so thankful for the opportunity that I had to be in his priests quorum. I would not be the missionary that I am right now without learning all of those things that I learned from him and the other priests quorum advisers. I was blessed to be in the quorum, and then to serve with him as an adviser. Tim will be an awesome Young Men's Leader!
In any case, Mom and Dad I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow! I love you all so much! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! I couldn't do it without you. Adios
Elder Mike Dial
Congrats Mitch on your mission papers!! Now the waiting game begins..... My In-state guess is Anchorage Alaska. My out-of-state is Mexico City. I am going to be right. I could use $100 easily. Mitch you are gonna be fantastic. Just put your trust solely in the Lord and you cannot fail.
Mom, thank you for the package. I did receive it. Hopefully the banana bread does not get destroyed or I will just have to eat it. (I sent Mike banana bread along with a dishtowel to give his mission president’s wife…not the banana bread…gross! We resent a reply quickly to tell him to EAT the banana bread!) My district also loved the muffins, even though I ate like half of them. Thank you and love you.
K so I am gonna talk about Sunday first. So first off, in each branch, each missionary is required to write a 5 minute talk in their mission language, and then whoever is conducting calls randomly on two missionaries to speak during the meeting. I thought I was so sneaky by not having to speak so far... but then yesterday, the Lord gave me the opportunity to test my Spanish... I was actually really impressed with myself! I wrote down thoughts on a paper previously, but then during the talk I could actually elaborate in Spanish! That was awesome. Everyone in the world speaks as slowly and as simply as me right? That's what I thought. Oh well. Just put my trust in the Lord and He will make up the difference.
K so later on Sunday, I was blessed to have the opportunity to sing in the Sunday Fireside in front of all 2,000 mas o menos missionaries!!!! It was AWESOME!!!! I sang "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief," the Michael Hicks arrangement. He is the man. I love that whole entire book, Dad. The performance went really well. I wasn't nervous at all. I felt a little nervous before, but during I was just fine, and after for some reason I felt nervous again or maybe it was adrenaline. Oh well. It went great! During the closing song of the Fireside, the mission president's wife, Sister Brown, gave me a wink and that is how I will gauge my success. Also because several people came up to me and told me I made them cry. Hopefully they were crying for the right reasons, but I was so blessed to have that opportunity to bring the Spirit into that meeting of thousands of my fellow missionaries!!!
Ok looks like we are goin backwards. On Friday we had In-Field Orientation. It focused on a couple points, namely The Doctrine of Christ, Finding, Goals and Planning, Exercising your Faith, and Working With Members. I loved the Faith section. During my time here, I have been working on developing more faith and relying on the Lord. Alone, I can do nothing. But if I don't rely on my own capabilities and put my trust completely in the Lord, I can accomplish His mighty purposes. Faith is the X-Factor. It precedes Miracles. If we are faced with a bad situation, have faith like Ammon, and try to make the best of it. When the Lamanites started attacking the King's sheep, he didn't fear. He said that It was a great opportunity to show forth his power that God gave to him. We show our faith by trusting in God, and obeying His commandments. It is very simple. When we have faith, He blesses us. When we have more faith, he blesses us more! Es muy claro.
Tell Shawn Stringham (his Young Men’s president was just released yesterday…he was also his water polo coach) that I am so thankful for the opportunity that I had to be in his priests quorum. I would not be the missionary that I am right now without learning all of those things that I learned from him and the other priests quorum advisers. I was blessed to be in the quorum, and then to serve with him as an adviser. Tim will be an awesome Young Men's Leader!
In any case, Mom and Dad I can't wait to talk to you tomorrow! I love you all so much! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! I couldn't do it without you. Adios
Elder Mike Dial

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