Monday, July 14, 2014

Back in the Garden State!

Mike being welcomed in the Camden Spanish Ward.  They have an English Branch that meet in the same building.  Gives you an idea of the demographics.  Awesome!

With Sister Kelly Betillyon and Sister Katie Menlove.


I'm stoked out of my mind. My transfer dreams came true. I am going to finish my mission here in Camden, New Jersey. I have been asking President to send me here for a while now haha. It
is the most dirty, ghetto, amazing place I have ever been. We meet so many interesting new people every day. There aren't many dull moments here. We actually live right downtown right across the street from city hall with an amazing view of the Philly skyline outside our door. The church here isn't a conventional chapel either. It is a remodeled something or other. I will take a picture sometime. All in all, I love this city already. Something ironic about Camden. There is a Spanish Ward and an English Branch, if that gives you an idea of the demographics of Camden.

My companion is Elder Brockston King from Rexburg, Idaho. He is a funny kid. 18, been out six weeks. I get to finish up his training. I'm excited. He knows a lot. He went to the Mexico MTC, and his Spanish is getting there. We are excited to work and to get things going here. We are already BFFs and stuff like that. I'm happy that I haven't had any companions that have been complete tools. I have sure been blessed in that regard.

On Wednesday we did some service at the Ronald McDonald house here in Camden. It was a good time. That place really helps people out. Basically it is a house for families to live in while they,
particularly children, are going through tough medical times. They help with living area, food, entertainment, and everything. Wednesday we disinfected the toddler's toys and the teen room, and organized some donations. Good stuff. After that we went to Obispo Coyotl's house for some food. They feed the missionaries every Wednesday. I got to see Elder Morgan again! I love that kid. Now I'm in his district. His Spanish is wayyyy better now. Super cool to see him progress. Glad to be able to serve around him. Plus Elder Minnich is just to the south of us in Bridgeton. Family reunion basically here in south jersey. We finished off the day playing soccer with members, less actives, and an investigator. It is a great tool to get to know people. I officially conclude that I am absolutely terrible at soccer. I basically run laps and I am complete garbage. But that's ok. We have a good laugh, and I don't think about it too much. Pretty sure the last time I played soccer was when I was like 6 or 7, and haven't done too much to refine my skills since then. We will see where I am after
these six weeks are up!!

Ok, here are some of our investigators. Miguel and Maribel. Kind of a tough situation. Maribel wants to be baptized, as does Miguel, but first they aren't married. Second Miguel has some serious word of
wisdom issues. Maribel doesn't want to marry Miguel because she doesn't want to be with someone who has all those problems, but they also have 4 kids together and doesn't want to separate her kids from their father. So..... Yeah. Little tough. But that's ok because we had an awesome lesson with them yesterday. We didn't really have a set lesson plan with them, so we just went in and talked about stuff and it led into avoiding temptation. The thought came into my mind to sing a song. So we sang, along with their kids, "I Am A Child Of God." The Spirit filled the room. I wanted Miguel to have at least one spiritual experience that he can fall back on when temptation comes. He knows that he felt he Spirit on July 10, 2014. He knows what it feels like. When temptations come, he can remember what he felt during our lesson and choose not to fall into temptation. Elder King said that usually
Maribel is super critical of Miguel during the lessons but during this one she was very supportive and willing to help. The Spirit touched both of their hearts. Maybe this is one of the reasons that The Lord
sent me here to Camden. I'm excited to see how it will turn out.

I'm so grateful to The Lord for giving me the chance to be here! We are gonna do work. Excited to have this opportunity to serve The Lord. This is His work. I'm so grateful to be here at this time. He is at the helm.

I love you all!!!!

Elder Dial

Good times.

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