Monday, November 12, 2012

Service plus Wawa equals a CELESTIAL WEEK!

Mike on Staten Island New York providing service - Mormon Helping Hands - Top Right

Que esta arriba??? Oh that's just a phrase that makes zero sense in Spanish but a lot in English. Weird, I know. Anyways, cool things happened this week. First off, I did the anointing for two blessings. That was nice, especially because it comes right out of my nifty Spanish Handbook, or else I would be completely lost and these people wouldn't understand me. I am not quite to the point where I can give a full blessing in Spanish, but Elder Wright says that the next time that we give a blessing, that it is my turn. Then we will see if all of those prayers coming my way pay off. Don't worry, they will. I have been studying faith recently, and have realized that I need to completely rely on the Lord. No matter what, do not rely on my own abilities. I am nothing. I need to swallow my pride, be made humble, and rely on Him. That means getting out of my comfort zone. My zone leader told me that if you feel comfortable while you do missionary work, you are in your comfort zone, and need to do something different. Strech yourself. If you feel awkward, then that is good. You are either progressing or regressing. I am being made very humble out here. It is an awesome thing!!!
Ok, on thursday we went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. Someone made a terrible decision of keeping me in the Spanish area and sending Elder Olaveson (Zone Leader) with me. Well it turned out fine. Luckily the lessons we taught were able to be Spanglish and the people understood just fine. We tried to get this one lady baptized on the 18th of November before she leaves to Guatemala for like 2 months, but they for some weird reason she and her Member boyfriend are waiting to get married!!! They were waiting for his divorce to go through, but now it is and they aren't really doing anything about it. ugh. So we will probably end up baptizing her when she gets back. Well the rest of the day went just fine. We have Noche de Deportes every Thursday from 7-9, and so that took up the rest of our night. Somewhere in there I got to enjoy a delicious sandwich from the Wawa. Be jealous.
Ok highlight of the week was leaving the mission. Not lying. SERVICE!!! We got permission to leave the mission to go with our stake down to Staten Island, New York, to help some of our brothers and sisters who were in desperate need. When we got down there, I saw how bad the damage really was. In one of my pictures you can see one of the many trees that were knocked down and some uprooted, boats turned upside down, cars filled with water and seaweed, poles down, houses flooded, and everything just destroyed. Some houses were completely moved over, but most were just flooded. These people literally lost almost everything. We went in and basically gutted houses down to the framing. Drywall, flooring, decks, doors, just about everything we took out and threw it into the middle of the street. I realize what joy comes from service, and know that When we serve our fellow beings, we also serve The Being, who is our God. People rallied together, most from out of town, to help complete strangers. There were people carrying around hot soup for everyone, rice, chicken, potatoes, food kits, and everything, for workers and victims alike. It was such a great experience for me to see strangers rally together to help strangers. Send prayers that way!!! They need so much help. We may be able to go down and help them again, and I hope that we can.
Thanks Mom for the package. The cookies were gone in .382734 seconds, and everything you sent me is much appreciated. It isn't that cold here right now, actually like 50s and 60s, but it is right around the corner haha. The Dunnigans deserve a thank-you as well. Their package is sitting in the post office as well, because they decided to close today because apparently it is Veterans Day or something like that. I think we have been invited to a bunch of houses for Thanksgiving, so instead of hoping I will get something to eat, hope I don't die from overeating. Elder Wright says that I haven't seen anything yet when it comes to eating. Maybe I will fast until Thanksgiving to prepare myself. I will let you know how that goes.
Well, it seems that that is all the information I have for this week. Oh PS I finished the Book of Mormon this morning. It was a good time. Now I have a Spanish copy, and I am reading it through, underlining words that I don't know then writing the translation above it. It takes a while, but it will be sooooooo worth it. This work is true. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is real, and His arms are always wide open ready to receive us, we just have to fall into them. He stands at the door, we just need to let Him in. I love you all sooooooo much and love the support you give to me. It keeps me going. Hasta la proximo lunes.
 -Elder Dial

BTW:  Wawa is a east coast chain kinda like Maverick...but wonderful sandwiches made there...a great memory from our time in Virginia!

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