Monday, April 22, 2013

Why are Missions the best thing in the world?

Dear Family,

Sounds like an AWESOME week! The Boston marathon stuff is way sad... I was depressed for the rest of the night when I heard about it. Knowledge for the Plan of Salvation is PRICELESS!!! Tell everyone I am really proud of them! Can you tell Meg and Mer to shoot me an email so that I can just email them directly? That is the easiest thing for me to do. Also, one small request… You don't have to send it alone, but the next time you send something, can you send me a picture of me with my deer? That would be way neat. I love you all so much!!!!!!!

Well I would have liked to start off this letter with something WAYYY cool that I learned during my studies this week, but I left my study journal at home, but don't fear, it is not lost forever! Study journals are a way cool thing! When I write down what I study, I learn so much more. The physical act of writing it down makes me think and ponder more, and I receive additional light and knowledge on the subject. It is so cool. Since I have made the effort to keep a study journal, I have changed as a person and as a missionary!

Well we found this cool new investigator. Her name is Wailani. (Wah-lah-nee) Haha she is Puerto Rican but her name is Hawaiian... Interesting.... But that is ok. A member here goes to a restaurant here and she is always his waitress. He started talking to her about the church! He is AWESOME!! He never is afraid to bear his testimony. He set us up with an appointment with her, and we went. She is like 24ish and was raised in a bunch of different churches. She said that she reads and prays, but she wants to join a church. About a 1/4 way through teaching the lesson, she said that she wants to join the church. She LOVED the restoration. She accepted the date for the 26 of May, committed to come to church, didn't show up, but that's ok. As long as that desire stays there MIRACLES can happen! She is gonna get dunked here pretty soon!

Thank you so much for sending that music. I am going to see what I can do so that I can sing in Sacrament Meeting. Tears will be shed. You can be sure of that much!

I am excited! I get to do my third baptismal interview this Thursday. Those are way fun! I did two others a couple weeks back. They were great. I love seeing people's desire to align their will with the will of the Lord. I always ask about their journey and what clicked in the Gospel for them. I am so excited!

Why are missions the best thing in the world? If anyone is thinking about whether they should do it or not, just DO IT! If you come out for the right reasons, you will be sooooooo grateful that you did! There is an Elder in my district that is not really enjoying life right now. He didn't really come out for the right reasons. We are trying to help him, but as long as we are converted, have that testimony, and the desire to share it, we should do it! IF YOU HAVE DESIRES TO SERVE GOD, YE ARE CALLLED TO THE WORK. The best way to serve God is to live His Gospel, and to SHARE IT!!! If you can't tell, I love this work. IT is awesome. Thanks for all the support, love, prayers, and packages and letters. They are fantastic. Love you all!!!

-Elder Mike Dial

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