Monday, August 26, 2013


Elder Dial and Pancho (Investigator)

1 Year Ceremonial Shirt Burning

Dear Family,

Definitely thought that I would be way more mature and older by the time I was 20, but boy am I wrong. Don't really feel any different than yesterday. But that's ok, I’m lovin' life anyways! The package hasn't gotten here yet, but that's just because the people at the post office don't want to deliver it before my birthday! They want to make it extra special! That's why it is going to be there when we get home tonight! I have complete confidence that my package will be there. Don't even worry. It isn't because it got lost and is probably in Wisconsin or something. They just wanted to make it special.

One of our investigators, Pedro Gonzales, likes what we teach and all, but sometimes he doesn't like it enough to read in the Book of Mormon and come to church. We just want him to receive his own personal revelation.... We taught him chastity because he and his "señora" are just that, just a man and a woman chilling together in the same house with a couple little kids running around. But they took it well..(the law of chastity lesson). They were surprised that we offered the chapel for use and the Branch President can marry them for free. But apparently she is hung up on a wedding ring. If they can't get the one she wants they can't get married.... Apparently that is her concern.... that's ok. We will just help them realize why the marriage covenant is sooooo important so that they will be begging to be married.

We visited some recent converts, Sandra (mother) and Valeria (daughter). Elder Wright baptized them. Valeria commented to us a dream she had that made her want to be baptized. In her dream, she was watching  TV or something. Her mom was in the other room. She heard a knock at the door, and it was Elder Wright and Elder Lopez. They were the previous elders here. But they weren't in missionary clothes. They were in normal street clothing. (This is significant because when Valeria was baptized, Elder Lopez has already finished his mission). They asked her if she wanted to go swimming. She said yes. They went to a pool, and a bunch of people were there. She said that she and the missionaries were separated from the other people though. After getting in, she looked down and saw that there were a bunch of crocodiles at the bottom. Elder Wright told her to go down. She said no. Elder Wright told her again to go down. She said no. Elder Wright asked if she had faith, and Valeria answered yes. Elder Wright said that if you have faith, the crocodiles won't do anything. So she went down. The crocodiles didn't do anything. Then, she began to fear and the crocodiles began to swim at her and overtake her. When she saw that, she began to pray to The Lord that He would protect her. When she did that, the crocodiles went away. After the dream, she realized that faith isn't to have a perfect knowledge of things. She knew that being baptized would be an amazing step in her life, and she wanted to please The Lord, she she decided to do it. It was an amazing testimony builder to me. Also Sandra shared her testimony as well about a revelation that she had when she decided to be baptized. Her mother told her "Well you can forget you have a mother if you join that church." But that didn't stop her. She knew it was true. And that's all that mattered. There was an amazing spirit present. It was one of those moments where you think, "how can this Gospel not be true?" That was the sentiment of the lesson today.
Well, I have completed one year, crazy stuff. One year ago, I spoke zero Spanish, was stoked out of my mind to be a missionary, and had so many emotions running through my mind it was unreal. I had no idea what was in store for me. What this short year has done for me is immeasurable. I cannot begin to describe how my personal testimony has grown. Before I left, I believed that the Gospel was true. I know it now. I still have a million questions, but I don't doubt the Gospel. I really do know it is true, for sure. I have changed so much, but even more importantly, I have been an instrument in the hands of the Lord in serving others. I have been the means of bringing the Gospel to others so that they can experience the same joy that I feel. I am so excited when people respond positively to the message. I am really sad when people don't, but I don't let it get me down. This has been the best year of my life. The next will be even better. I am so excited for what the future holds. I am ready to face it and conquer it. I know that I am doing The Lord's work here. I knew I was before, but I know better now, in a different way. I am a changed person for the better. I know that if I continue to put my trust in God always, He will take me in His hands and make me into what He knows  I am capable of being. I am the clay and He is the potter. Even though sometimes I am tough and hard to deal with, and sometimes He needs to pound me out to soften that heart of mine, I know that He loves me unconditionally. I have felt that for myself and I have felt that love manifest itself through me to other people. There is no better feeling. I am so grateful to God for this short year that has passed, I’m grateful for every day, the good ones and the hard ones. This year coming up will be even better, if I put my trust and confidence in Him. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!!!!! Next one will be at home!! See you later!!
 Love you all,
-Elder Mike Dial

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