Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Hey familia. It is a new year. Crazy how fast that went by. I feel like I just celebrated 2013 in Allentown. Well, I did. It was just a year ago. But we had a good New Year. Went to some cool parties, met some new people, ate some tamales, some chile, and enjoyed all manner of Mexican festivities. They go crazy for the New Year. But we were in and safe at 9:00 PM. Our personal festivities consisted of sleeping. It was a fantastic nights sleep. But I am determined to make this year the best year that I have had yet. I will be a better missionary, a better disciple of Christ, a better everything basically.

Neat Scripture. Doctrine and Covenants 81:5-6.  

5 Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.

 6 And if thou art faithful unto the end thou shalt have a crown of immortality, and eternal life in the mansions which I have prepared in the house of my Father.

First of all, we need to be faithful in the calling which the Lord calls us. It doesn't really matter where we serve, but how we serve matters more. If we serve with all our heart, might, mind, and strength, we will accomplish that which the Lord wants us to do. Secondly, we are here to help out our fellow men, particularly those who are more feeble than we, and could use of our help. That applies to missionaries, bishops, primary presidents, etc.... We need to be the means of strengthening our brothers and sisters. Neat scripture that impressed me this week.

We had interviews with President this week. That was a good time. President Anderson is a super good guy. He knows his stuff and he loves his missionaries. I can feel it whenever I am around him. I know that he has been called of God to serve as my mission president for specific reasons.

We had a super cool experience. A member called us, and told us that one of his friends wanted us to come over and pray for him. We went over, with the member, and he said that he felt like something was "attacking him." He has lived in Bridgeton for about 12 or 13 years and had never felt like he did that day. We went over, and Elder Morgan blessed his house. He blessed in English, so Humberto (his name) couldn't even understand it that well. Afterwards, he felt completely fine and dandy. The evil feeling was completely overcome with joy and happiness. We went back later that day and taught him the Restoration and he committed to be baptized. The Lord is preparing his people. Just think. What would have happened if the member never opened his mouth? We would not have found him. There are prepared people that ONLY you can find. Have the faith to find them, then show God that faith by acting.

Enrique is SOOOO close. Had a super good lesson with him this week. We will see more and more progress as time goes by. Send some prayers for him please. Enrique Panteleon is his name. You gringos do you best to pronounce that name. God knows who he is..

Well, I love you all. I bear my testimony every email because I know that these things are true. SOOO true. I can't wait to get out and share it some more. God lives. He called Joseph Smith to be a prophet. Of this I have a testimony.

-Elder Mike Dial


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