Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's a Holly Jolly Christmas in Bridgeton New Jersey!

Well it was a Holly Jolly Christmas here in Bridgeton. On Christmas Eve we had the opportunity to go caroling to dozens of potentials, less-actives, members, and whatever doors we felt like we should carol to. It was an awesome way to help share the Spirit of Christmas and to see the Holy Ghost work on some of the people who we sang to. After that, we went to 3 Christmas parties. Hispanics celebrate Christmas on the 24th. They all party until like 4 in the morning and then sleep on for the rest of Christmas Day. They call the 24th "La Noche Buena." We ate a ton! They make tons of tamales around Christmastime and they are delicious. Mom, you gotta learn how to make some tamales.

 Christmas Day we went to our Branch President's house and we ate up there. So basically we got to celebrate Christmas twice. Pretty awesome. They gave us 4 missionaries some socks. Love it.

 The day after Christmas, we looked outside our door and there were literally 4 packages!!! We thought we had died and gone to missionary heaven. Three of them were for Elder Morgan, but I didn't complain one bit. Thanks for sending that sweater and sunshine ring!!!!

 Super cool week at church. Our investigator Karla, who was progressing, couldn't make it for one reason or another. That's ok because she is already sharing the Gospel with people better than some of our own members. We had one of our less-actives, Agusto, who we have been working with forever, FINALLY CAME TO CHURCH. It has been a long time coming. He isn't 100% there in the head but that's ok. Like one of these past weeks he told Elder Morgan that he wanted Elder Morgan to live as long as Joseph Smith did. He didn't realize that he had been martyred when he was 38. He has been a member for 3 years and has been through the temple... That's ok. For our next lesson we watch Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration. Cleared up any questions there. He is one of my favorite people here.... He is willing to come out teaching with us every day of the week if he can. He is a branch missionary. Carries around a white handbook with him. He sometimes calls in and safe at night. Bless his heart I love this guy. Another less-active, Francisco Merida, finally gave us a hard commitment to come to church. He realized that he hasn't been "enduring to the end" very well, and he is finally resolving to fix it. He also loves to come out teaching with us. We are super stoked to see them both come back and to be fully and completely committed to living the Gospel.

 This week at church, President Miller taught the Priesthood and Relief Society about Hastening the Work. Our branch is struggling with that. We are going to get them all fired up and stoked about sharing the Gospel with family, friends, and all that. Awesome things are happening here. We are having faith and acting upon that faith. Way to be having that open house and inviting a bunch of non-member/less-active neighbors. SO many people are nervous about doing little things like that.

I'm not going to preach at all about the New Year and New Year's Resolutions. Let Elder Christensen do that. Here is one of his AWESOME talks. http://www.lds.org/ensign/1994/12/resolutions

 Welllllllll I luv yall tonz. I love being a missionary. Keep being good. Keep covenants. Always follow the still small voice of the Spirit and He will direct us for good. Not too much to say. Talked to y'all like 5 days ago.

 -Elder Mike Dial

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