Monday, January 7, 2013

Feliz Ano Nuevo!

 Mike says Fish Heads are yummy!  I'm not buyin it.

Hello Family,
Well we just had an awesome New Year. Got home at 9:30 and slept wonderfully. We did eat a mess of rice and beans and a whole lot of other stuff too. Probably way more than we should have, but that's ok! First I wanna share what happened last night. So we got in about 9:10, and were counting up our numbers for the week. We realized that we came short of our zone goal of Referrals Asked. We can be out till 9:30 if we have something planned for there, but we wanted to get those last 5 Referrals Asked. So with about 13 minutes left until 9:30, we set out, and asked 5 people if they knew anyone that wants to come closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Surprisingly enough, the first person we asked said that she would. Boom. The other 4 may have been a little stiff-necked but that's ok. We did our part.
Best part about this week. Remember Carlos Castro, who stopped us in the streed literally two months ago and told us he wanted to know more? Well after stopping by his house day after day and missing him, on Tuesday we FINALLY knocked on the door when he was home! We have taught him thrice, he came to church yesterday, and has a date for the 3rd of March with his son. I bet we can move it up even sooner though. He is literally a Golden Investigator. We could have easily given up on trying to contact him. But this work is bigger than our laziness. If we are being lazy as missionaries, we are not only cheating ourselves, but we are keeping the Gospel of Jesus Christ out of the lives of those whom are looking for it. When I stand before God one day, I don't want to be held accountable for what I "could have done" on those days when I didn't feel like doing much. He shouldn't have to ask me, "Why didn't you share your testimony with my son there, or my daughter while you walked passed her in the street?" He has expectations for all of us, and we all can meet them! First we have to trust Him and commit to follow Him!
Well that was a nice little rant there. It has been pretty frigid here. Around the 20's to 30's with the humidity making it feel even colder. But that's what a beanie, coat, scarf, and gloves are for right? We don't let it slow us down. I am excited for summer though. All of the Hispanics sit on their porches in the summer, making them a lot easier to talk to.
What? It is my last week of getting trained? That's weird. I still feel like I am really fresh and new (which i kind of am) but the time is going really fast. I hit 6 months next months..... Let that sink into your minds for a little bit... 2 years is really not long at all! especially when you are lost in the service of the Lord! Well, the church is true, the Libro de Mormon too, and Love yall tonzzz.
Peace and Blessings
-Elder Mike Dial

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